The One Question You Should Ask

What is the correct climate? Have you ever thought of asking that question? Either to a politician, a Scientist, or an Environmentalist? They all scare us with the fear of climate change. The politicians tell us they need our tax dollars to invest in “green” technologies. The scientists tell us they need more money to study and experiment. The Environmentalists demand more money and more regulation to force us to change our lifestyles. But you know what they all have in common? None of them know what the correct climate is supposed to be. Because there isn’t one.
The last ice age began about 1.8 million years ago and ended around 12,000 years back. That is a long time by anyone’s standards. Fast forward a few thousand years and there was a time called the medieval warm period. That happened around 950AD. Temperatures rose and stayed there for around 300 years. While it was warmer, the increase in temperatures caused plant life to flourish and the planet to become more “green.” But then came the “little ice age.” The period from 1300-1850 where the relative temperature decreased substantially. The temperatures then began to increase into the 1940s and then decreased again through the mid 1970s. Since then, the temperatures have been rising until about the last decade where the have stayed relatively stable. So why would temperatures drop before the industrial revolution, increase slightly as it began, and then slowly drop as industrialization started to really pickup after WWII? Some scientists say it had to do with solar activity. Others say it was due to increased volcanic activity and air pollution which blocked the heat of the sun (never mind the greenhouse gases) In the 80’s we blamed in on Rock Bands and teenage girls for using too much hair spray.
The truth is Water Vapor is one of the most plentiful greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It dwarfs CO2 by comparison. And if you compare the amount of CO2 man creates to the amount of CO2 the Earth produces naturally, it is shocking what little impact we have on that number. Now I am not saying you should go out and remove the emissions controls off your diesel pickup so you can go charging up highway 26. What I am saying is read both sides of the argument. People often cite greed as being the primary motivation for business to take shortcuts in regards to the environment? But everyone is greedy. The Politicians who want to grant favors to financial supporters are greedy for your tax dollars. The scientists who need government funding to continue their research are greedy as well. The environmentalists who need funding to finance their efforts, pay an ever increasing organization, and influence government regulation also have a strong tendency towards greed. To claim one party is greedy and another is not is just not true. So next time someone tells you that we must do something about climate change, dont panic. Simply ask them, “What is the correct climate we are trying to achieve?” I personally like a nice 80 degree day with a light cloud cover.

How to Catch a Wild Boar

A friend of mine asked me a question a while back. He said, “How do you catch a wild boar?” I said, “I don’t know, never had to catch one.” Then he told how it is done. He said, you see, you simply lay some food on the ground and wait for a boar to show up. The boar will sense something is wrong. So he will avoid it for a while. But then, after he can’t resist the temptation anymore, he’ll break down and eat the food. Low and behold, nothing happens, so he figures the food must be OK. So you lay some more food out. Every day the boar comes back to get the free meal. That’s when the real work begins. You put down one wall of iron bars next to the food. The boar sees this wall, but the food is still there. So with reservation he walks up and begins to eat the food. Like every day before, nothing happens. So he puts his mind at ease and finishes his ever present free meal. Then a week or so later of the same routine, you put up another wall. The boar is again alarmed, but he has been eating there so long with one wall, he is sure all is still fine. And he continues to eat the food. A week later the third wall goes up. At this point the boar doesn’t even notice. He is fat dumb and happy. He has been eating a free meal at this same spot for months now. He has seen these walls before and they really don’t do anything. That is when he comes in that final time, and while he is busy gorging himself, you drop the fourth wall down right behind him. Bam! The boar is trapped.
You see, freedom is a very fragile thing. We talk about how we cherish it. How we live in the greatest nation in the world because of it. But freedom is something you must not take for granted. Everyday there are people laying out food for us. They offer us socialized this, subsidized that and government financed something else. They are slowly taking away or restricting our freedoms on the grounds of security, being politically correct or some other popular social ideology of the day. And while their intentions may be good, we must never let others provide for us what we can and should provide for ourselves. For if we do, that is the beginning of despotism and we will soon find ourselves trapped much like that wild boar.
My name is Brian Heinrich and I am running for US Congress. My campaign is self funded, so thank you for visiting my website and please “like” my facebook page and follow me on twitter.

Freedom to Petition

So many of you know I was collecting signatures to get my candidate’s statement in the Oregon Voters pamphlet. While I was successful in getting over the required 300 signatures, the State Elections office said there was not enough time to validate the signatures before the cutoff. So they refused to make the effort and suggested I pay the $2500 dollar fee instead. I just did my taxes, and I don’t feel I need to give the state any more money, so I refused. I am on the ballot, so have no fear. You can still vote for me in May. But voters will need to look at my Facebook, Twitter, and to get to know Brian Heinrich, Future Congressman.
Collecting signatures was an interesting experience. Some people signed with no concern. Others were skeptical. Some were down right rude. By signing, that person was requesting the state elections board publish my statement. No other mandate or requirement was included. And it got me thinking about people’s’ fear of committing themselves to an idea. Imagine if you were asked to sign a statement that said “…with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” Is there anything that you would believe so strongly in that you would make that commitment? 56 men did 240 years ago. These men committed everything they had to the idea of liberty and self government. All by signing a piece of parchment. They pledged all of their resources to an idea that had never been tried, let alone proven. John Hancock was so passionate about the cause, that he signed the Declaration of Independence with the largest signature. We truly must celebrate the men and women that did so much to create this great nation. Their passion gave us freedom and so much more. So next time someone asks you to consider signing a petition, please give that person the opportunity to tell you what it is for. Listen to what they have to say. You never know, you could be signing (or not signing) something that may forever change the course of nations.

Varying Degrees of Dog Doo

I love Joe Walsh’s song “Ordinary Average Guy.” There is a great line in it where he says, “And every Saturday we work in the yard. Pick up the dog doo. Hope that it’s hard.” I think we can all relate to picking up dog doo. I picked up dog doo every time I mowed the yard as a kid and we never even had a dog. And there are varying degrees of dog doo. The hard stuff that Joe Walsh talks about is the best. Easy to scoop up with the shovel and throw in the flower beds or recycle bin…which ever is your choice of disposal. No muss…no fuss. But then you have the wet stuff. The nasty doo that means you will be hosing off the shovel afterwards and you will still be avoiding that spot in the grass until the next rain. That is the real nasty stuff. And then there are many variations in between. Which brings me to the electing public officials. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Green Party and what have you. I feel like we are often looking at just varying degrees of dog doo. So I have some advice for picking your candidate. Choose the one that is going to leave the least amount of mess once it is removed.

The Best Things in life.

I was thinking today about the best American inventions of the last 200 years or so. These are only my opinion and have no basis for the rest of the population. Still, I put a lot of thought into it, and here is the list of my top 5.

Light Bulb-Thomas Edison invented this handy little thing we still use in 1879.

Telephone-While we now have phone apps on our handheld devices… all started with Alexander Graham Bell calling Mr. Watson in 1876.

Television-Created in the 1920’s by American ingenuity.

Doritos-Developed in Disneyland with some help from Frito Lay back in the 1960s.

Coca-Cola-An Atalanta Pharmacist named Dr. John S. Pemberton gave us this bubbly beverage back in 1886.

You may wonder about the significance of this list. But the truth is, I love my Coca-Cola and Doritos while watching TV at night with the lights on all while texting on my phone. My life would be terrible without these things. But the reality is that all of these inventions have two things in common. They were all made by Americans. Not African-Americans, or European-Americans, or Asian Americans or Native Americans. They were made by Americans. Period. The other thing is they were made by Capitalism. Not government investment, but private investment. The people that made these inventions did not have to beg the government for the money. They found private investors. Individuals, companies, and anyone with a few dollars who were willing to risk it. You see, the government is not supposed to expose the peoples’ tax money to risk. And that is what investing is, risk. Government is supposed to provide what the people use for a common purpose. Such as Defense, coining money, post offices, and foreign relations. Not benefiting small interest groups. Not funding specific industries. If it is not for the common good, it is not a government responsibility. Let the private sector risk their money. If they, lose…..only they lose. If they succeed, we all succeed because we all reap the benefit of their invention. It truly is a win-win for the consumer. My name is Brian Heinrich and I am not your average politician. I think your money belongs to you.
Please be a fan of my facebook page and share my thoughts with your friends and family. I am self funding my campaign and YOU are my advertising.